Triple APOD - January 24, 2025: Elephant Trunk Nebula (IC1396) by Andrew Foss Photo d'astronomie amateur All-Star du jour - Click to Enlarge

Triple APOD - January 24, 2025: Elephant Trunk Nebula (IC1396) by Andrew Foss

From Andrew:

I've been told the "trunk" looks like a partial silhouette of a person.

Capture Location from Wandering River, AB on 12-Oct-2024
Equipment Used:
Orion EON 115 Triplet APO Refractor
w/ 0.8x Reducer/Flattener
ASI 2600MC Imaging Camera
Optolong L-Extreme Narrowband Filter
ASI AIR Plus Imaging Computer
Celestron AVX Mount
Stacked with 54x300s images
Processed in Pixinsight in HOO Palette.

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