Triple APOD - October 16, 2024: NGC 7635 The Bubble Nebula by George Cavanaugh
The Bubble Nebula is a star forming region in Cassiopea, featuring a very distinct shell from the massive central star. The main star is actually not in the middle of the bubble, it's to the right in George's image, but the piling up of stellar wind moves slower through more dense gas, causing the shock wave to be offset.
From George: "The first image capture was on a test run, using 8" TSO Ritchey Chretien telescopes, brand new ASI533MM, Antlia 1.25" 3nm SHO filters, and a new ZWO AM5 mount.
Total capture time: 2.5 hours. This is one of the last images I took from our Acreage east of Didsbury, Alberta. Bortle 1 to 2."
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