Triple APOD - February 7, 2025: The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) By The SeeStar Community Photo d'astronomie amateur All-Star du jour - Click to Enlarge

Triple APOD - February 7, 2025: The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) By The SeeStar Community

This is a shameless plug for the SeeStar Round Up put on by our very good friend @abdurastro. Abdur puts out a target every month for the community to image with their SeeStars telescopes. The images are collected and are processed/stacked by Abdur (or you if you want to follow along with him!) to yield one cleaner image. 

The image featured comes from September's SeeStar Round Up, data contributed by:

Aron De Coteau              Richard Jones

Brendan Stanford           Paul Smith

Clay Schnurr                   Robert Lennox

Josephine Christensen  Scott Ryon

M.R. Martel                     Sean Rogowsky

Mark Koehler                  Shishir H

Michel Zukauckas          Susan Morgan 

Michael Perrier               Abdur Anwar

If you have a SeeStar device you could also be on this list! Look for the SeeStar Roundup videos on our youtube channel for more info 


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Send your astrophoto to, along with the details of the capture, including the equipment you used, as well as any other details you want us to share! Then, keep your eyes out, and your photo may be selected to be the All-Star Amateur Astronomy Photo of the Day!

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