Brand: Tele Vue Optics

Télé Vue 24.0 Panoptique (EPO-24.0)


Brand: Tele Vue Optics

Télé Vue 24.0 Panoptique (EPO-24.0)


$499.95 CAD

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Description du produit

Ce "produit chaud" Sky & Telescope est conçu pour produire le plus grand champ réel possible dans un oculaire de 1¼". (Son arrêt de champ de 27 mm est le même que le TeleVue Plössl de 32 mm). La puissance plus élevée assombrit le fond du ciel tandis que le grossissement plus élevé donne Plus de détails sur les objets étendus De plus, son poids léger (1/2 lb), son dégagement oculaire confortable de 15 mm et son sommet effilé font instantanément du Panoptic 24 mm l'oculaire idéal pour obtenir le champ maximal pour les jumelles.

En utilisant ma conception Wide-Field comme point de départ, j'ai cherché à apporter des performances de type Nagler à la classe de champ 60+° avec la série Panoptic. L'idée d'un objectif pour "l'interface" entre l'oculaire et Barlow m'a semblé être le moyen approprié de réduire au minimum la taille, le poids et le coût tout en améliorant encore davantage les performances en bord de champ. Plus tard, j'ai développé cette idée dans les Powermates. — Al Nagler

De série sur tous les Panoptics

  • Multi-couches
  • Bords de verre noircis
  • Filtrer les discussions
  • Anneaux de préhension en caoutchouc
  • Couverture pour le protège-yeux
  • Une contre-dépouille dans le canon pour une sécurité de verrouillage supplémentaire


Distance focale 24mm
Taille du baril 1.25"
Champ de vision apparent 68 degrés
Soulagement des yeux 15mm
Lester 0,51 lb
Arrêt sur le terrain 27mm

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Incredible views and details

So I'm an old guy with a 40-year-old Celestron Super C8+, which always has yielded good images, but I have never used an eyepiece better than a Plossl. Now living in southern Utah which has excellent nighttime skies. So I treated myself to this EP (and some other TeleVues) which has had such great reviedws, but was hard to find. All-Star seemed to have a good reputation, and so I placed a backorder. And very quickly, All-Star had some in stock and contacted me via email. I purchased it, and and then they shipped it basically overngith via FedEx. Wow. They were just great; thanks to Nicholas.

Now the 24mm Pantopic. And just, wow. Wow and wow. Over the past 10 days or so that I've owned this eyiepiece, I've observed the moon, Saturn, and some DSOs like Messier objects including M13 and several in Sagittarois and Scorpius. Images have been sharp from edge to edge; fine detail with contrast, texture, and good color. Nebulae really stand out with details I've never seen with my prior EPs. Stars are pinpoints, especially the fainter stars. Star clusters look gorgeous through this EP. Construction of the EP is solid TeleVue quality.

This is like owning a new telescope, as my C8 with this EP (and using a new TeleVue star diagonal) is just producing stunning imagery. I've used this teloescope in northern New Mexico at 11000+ feet, so I've had the privilege of observing in superb condtions. But this EP has really taken my viewing to a new level. It really has. I could go on and on, but that's enough. This EP is not cheap, but the views are so woth it. Totally worth it. And thanks again All-Star Telescope.

Televue 24 mm Panoptic

Excellent eyepiece choice thanks to Nicholas' advice. I'd purchase from All-Star again.



Tele Vue 24.0 Panoptic (EPO-24.0)

Televue Panoptic 24 mm

Really appreciate the time and advice that was provided when I called with my questions. I received honest, knowledgeable information and recommendations for what I was asking about. I decided to purchase this eyepiece as a long-term investment as I am a new, developing amateur astronomer. Its an incredible eyepiece. It was delivered in a very timely fashion after it became available. Thank you All-Star. Its great you are here in Canada.

Dave M.

We just recently bought this eyepiece for use on a 12.5" Newtonian telescope on a Dobsonian alt-az mount. We needed an eyepiece to bridge the gap between a 13mm Televue Ethos and a 35mm Panoptic. It was recommended to us by a highly respected amateur astronomer friend. We used this eyepiece recently to view a number of deep sky objects, planets, the moon, and comet 2022-E3. The views were breathtaking. Stars appeared sharp and clean from one edge to the other, with no apparent aberrant star shapes or visible vignetting across the visual field. The view of Jupiter was somewhat limited by the seeing conditions we encountered, but the coloured bands on its surface were easily distinguishable and presented with excellent contrast. On the first quarter moon, this eyepiece delivered a truly stunning and memorable view of sharply etched craters and other lunar topography. We are delighted with the performance of this eyepiece and definitely recommend it.

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