Triple APOD - August 7, 2024: The Sun in Solar Maximum by Joe Lee
The solar activity cycle is an 11 year cycle of increased and decreased activity from the sun caused by the reversal of the sun's magnetic field in the maximum of each cycle. Solar activity in a maximum period is associated with more sunspots, more coronal mass ejections, a more complex corona and surface magnetic field, and more filaments and prominences as we see in Joe's photo here. We're currently entering the maximum period of our current solar cycle, an exciting time for solar photographers everywhere! This is Joe's first solar picture taken with a dedicated astro cam, which provides huge benefits when imaging in hydrogen alpha light.
- Lunt LS60
- Celestron Evolution Alt-Az goto mount
- Sharpcap software for image capture
- Autostakkert 4 for stacking
- IMPPG, Affinity photo 2 for post processing
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