We love astrophotography and the SeeStar is a great way to get into the hobby. It’s so great, that we started a club for SeeStar users everywhere to help them get the most out of this smart telescope.
It’s pretty simple:
Every month we invite you to collect up to an hour’s worth of images of a specific target. At the end of the month we roundup all everyones work and use it to create an individual picture that's way more than the sum of it's parts!
Our friend @AbdurAstro posts a fantastic video of the stacking and editing process. The final result stack is available for download in both edited and unedited formats, so you can process the same data or just enjoy the aggregated picture.
If you make your own edit make sure to share it on social media with the hash tag #seestarroundup and tag All-Star Telescope so we can see it too! Now, get out there and start shooting we can't wait to see what we can make together.
This Month's Round Up
The Next SeeStar Round Up Target Is:
Pacman Nebula (NGC 281)
Here are the results from last month: