Brand: Starlight Instruments, LLC

Starlight Instruments 2.0" to 1.25" Eyepiece Centering Adapter | EA20-205P


Brand: Starlight Instruments, LLC

Starlight Instruments 2.0" to 1.25" Eyepiece Centering Adapter | EA20-205P


  • Threaded for 2" filters (and long enough the 1.25" barrels won’t hit the filter)
  • Nylon-tipped thumb screw for non-marring binding, angled down to push the eyepiece down
    into the adapter
  • Zero height so extra in-travel of the focuser will not be necessary (important when little in-travel
    is left)
  • Inserted accessories are self-registering with perfect alignment to the focuser
  • The adapter is self-registering to the focuser for perfect alignment
  • Accommodates all 1.25" accessories, even with small variations in outside diameter - no
    accessory will be loose or wobble!
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Product Description

Use with Any 2.0" opening

There is a misconception that the problem of the cylindrical slip-fit system we use for eyepieces and other optical accessories is centering. There are adapters and holders on the market that are advertised as "centering" or "self-centering", but even if an accessory is pushed off-center a millimeter or more by clamping, that will not introduce a significant problem if the accessory and holder axis remain parallel. This is true even with a laser collimator. In contrast, angular misalignment between the accessory and the drawtube axis of even a few arc minutes can be detrimental, especially for collimation tools and camera adapters. In short, centering is nice, but parallelism is golden!

The Parallizer™ 2 inch-to-1.25 inch adapter utilizes a patented design that insures parallel alignment with the drawtube axis of optical accesories such as eyepieces, camera adapters, and collimation tools. The Parallizer’s unique, patented alignment feature assures that the drawtube and accessory axis will always be dead parallel.

The adapter’s non-marring clamp screw is set at 45 degrees, camming the accessory down against the adapter flange when tightened. The Parallizer has zero in-focus loss, and does not require a screw slot to seat fully in a drawtube. It is threaded for 48mm (2") filters.

How to Use

  • Insert the adapter in the focuser with the slight undercut section of the outside diameter of the adapter opposite to the thumb screw to be tightened on it (see picture). Use one, and only one, thumbscrew to tighten the adapter in the focuser. If the focuser has a brass split ring in the top, make certain the brass split ring is centered on that thumb screw used to tighten down the adapter, with equal lengths of brass ring on either side.
    • Note: It is not recommended to use the Parallizer with a Click-lock binder, as these may not tighten down correctly on the outside of the adapter and may defeat the self-alignment feature of the Parallizer.
  • Then, insert the eyepiece and tighten the eyepiece down with the single thumb screw in the Parallizer. This will push the eyepiece against the two edges of the undercut section opposite the thumb screw, registering the eyepiece perfectly in the focuser and reversing the offset in the focuser created by tightening down the adapter (see image).
  • Just remember to always place the Parallizer thumb screw opposite to the thumb screw in the focuser for proper alignment (registration) within the focuser.

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