Asteroid 2004 BL86 flew by earth on the evening of January 26, 2015. From the Red Deer river valley in Tolman Badlands area, Ken From of All-Star Telescope captured this short sequence of images showing the asteroid moving past the Beehive Cluster. Thin cloud obscured much of the view but this 3 second sequence covered 50 minutes. Using a Canon 6D with Canon's 135mm telephoto lens, 104 images of 30 seconds each are put together to form this time-lapse. The camera was tracking the stars using a Celestron Advanced VX mount and Orion StarShoot autoguider.
Asteroid Flies by Beehive Cluster
Asteroid 2004 BL86 flew by earth on the evening of January 26, 2015. From the Red Deer river valley in Tolman Badlands area, Ken From of All-Star Telescope captured this short sequence of images showing the asteroid moving past the Beehive Cluster.