For those in the Edmonton Area we wanted to reach out and let you know about a special event we are hosting for beginners! If you have a telescope you want to learn how to use better or just want to get together with like minded people then common down!
WHERE: Telus World of Science Edmonton - RASC Observatory
WHO: Anyone who wants to join, with or without equipment!
WHAT: We are setting up telescopes, answering questions, and looking at the Moon!
We’re going to be looking at the Lunar X this time, feel free to bring any equipment you have questions about, we’ll do our best to answer then. Once again everyone is welcome. We’ll have Timbits and hot chocolate again. Let us know if you can make it.
If you’re a beginner, this is a great opportunity to come out and get some tips on using a telescope, or using your telescope. If you’re not a beginner it’s a great opportunity to come out and have some fun with other amateur astronomers or to get some help with more advanced questions. If you’re not in the Edmonton area, you can always feel free to send a question in anytime. Our team at Mission Control is always happy to help with whatever Astronomy and Astrophotography questions you have.